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Billings area church information

Below is a list of Billings area churches that are included in a brochure called Church Locator which is available free of charge by calling KURL Radio, (406) 245-3121 or if you’re visiting or live in the Billings area, through the Chamber of Commerce or any other the motels/hotels and tourist information kiosks.

The Billings Church Locator from KURL is available. Contact the station for a copy.

Scoll down or click a catagory

Assembly of God
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Christian(Disciples of Christ)
Christian Colleges
Christian Science
Church of Christ
Foursquare Gospel
Freewill Baptist
Full Gospel
Independent Bible
Lutheran Messianic/Full Gospel
Open Bible Standard
Salvation Army
Seventh Day Adventist
Unitarian Universalist
United Church of Christ
United Methodist
United Pentecostal

Assembly of God

Billings Praise Center

516 South 37th Street . . . . . 245-7609
Pastor David Morales
Worship 10:00 AM
e-mail: bpc@q.com

Chapel of Hope Assembly of God

2425 Highway 87E
Rick Grieve, Pastor
Sunday Worship 10:00 am
Wednesday Kids & Youth Group & Bible Study 6:30p

Freedom Church

550 32nd St. West …….. 652-1240
Pastor Gail Edward Craig
Sunday Worship 10:00 AM; Life Ministries-Wednesday 7:00 PM
website: lifecentermt.org

Parkhill Assembly of God

1707 Parkhill Dr……259-7294
Pastor Robert J. Fox
Sunday Worship w/Children’s Church 10:15a, SS 9a
Search & Rescue Youth Tues. 7p, Family Night Wed. 7p

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Bible Believers Baptist Church

1111 Main Street-Ste 15 (Downstairs)….259-1736
Pastor Pete Hengel

Berea Baptist Church

7715 12 Mile Rd, 5 miles west of 312…..373-9123
Pastor Larry William

Blue Creek Baptist Church (SBC)

2337 Blue Creek Rd……..254-9474
Sunday Worship 10:00AM

Charity Baptist Church (Lockwood)

Pastor Matt Kooienga
24 Nightingale Dr.
Billings, MT 59101
Phone: 406-860-2755
email: charitybaptistbillings@gmail.com

Emmanuel Baptist Church (SBC)

328 S. Shiloh Road…..652-3161
Pastor Paul Jones
Sunday Services 8a, 9:30a, 11a

Fellowship Baptist Church

423 Westgate Dr……………256-5415
Pastor Ken Kirby
Sunday Bible Study 9:45a, Worship 11a

First Baptist Church

218 N 34th St. Downtown..……. 259-6546
Pastor Ross Lieuallen
9a Traditional Service, 10:30a Contemporary/Charismatic Service
Sunday School for all ages, Nursery available. Sunday Evening Bible studies 5p.

Gospel Baptist Church

1246 Cook Ave…………254-9398

Pastor Jeff Benton
Services 11AM & 5PM
Wed 7PM

Gracepoint Church

Medicine Crow Middle School on Bench Blvd in the Heights
Worship Sundays 10:30am
Facebook and Instagram @gracepointbillings.com
See our website for most current time and location. gracepointbillings.com

The Rock Church

Laurel, MT therockmontana.com ….628-6200

West Side Baptist Church

323 S. 32nd St. West……656-6885
Pastors Lynn Howe, Mel Gemmill and Jeff Herden
Sunday 10:45a, 6p, SS.(all ages)-9:30a
Wednesday Service 6pm, AWANA 6:30p

>Wicks Lane Baptist Church (SBC)

1605 Bench Blvd……………256-1913
Pastor Paul Ostrander - SS & Adult Bible Study 9:45a Sunday
Worship 11a, Sunday Eve. Bible study 6:30p
Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer 6:30p

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St. Bernard’s Catholic Church

226 Wicks Lane……259-4350
Masses: Saturday 5pm, Sunday 9am & 11am
Wednesday & Friday
9am, Tuesday & Thursday 7am

St. Patrick's Co-Cathedral

215 North 31st St……..259-3389
Rev. John J. Houlihan, Pastor
Daily Mass: Tues-Fri ,12:10p
Weekend Masses: Sat. 5pm, Sun. 8am, 10:30am
Confession: Sat 3pm or by appt.

St. Pius X Parish

717 18th St West (18th & Broadwater)……652-2522
Masses: Sat. 5pm, Sunday 9am & 11am.
Tuesday thru Friday Mass 8:30am

St. Thomas the Apostle

Corner of Colton Blvd & Woody Drive, office-656-5800
Fr. William A. Hogan Pastor
Daily: Tues-Fri 9am
Weekends: Sat 5pm, Sun 8:30am, & 10:30am

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Christ's Church

14 n 48TH St W…………..656-8213
Evangelist Luke Wilson
Assembly Sunday 10:15 AM & 7:00 PM; SS 9:00 AM
Wednesday 7:00 PM

Community of Christ

332 Griffing Drive……200-1753
Pastor Walt McIntosh
Sunday Fellowship 9:30am, Worship 10:45am

Valley Christian Church

1603 St. Johns Avenue….652-1727
Pastor Clifford Shaw
Worship 10:15 AM; SS 9:15 AM

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Yellowstone Christian College

1515 S. Shiloh Rd., …..656-9950 or 800-487-9950


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Christian and Missionary Alliance

First Alliance Church

19th and Central Avenue….656-6850
Pastor Adriaan Overbeek
Worship 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM; SS 10:30 AM

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Christian Science

First Church of Christ, Scientist

7 Burlington Ave……..259-0535
Reading Room 2817 2nd Ave N……..248-8661
S.S. & Worship 10:30am, Wed. 7:30pm

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Church of Christ


Church of Christ of Billings

1220 10th St W at Alderson Ave., ……..259-7457
Sun Bible Study: 9:30a, Worship 10:30a & 5p
Wed Bible Study: 7pm

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Columbus Evangelical Church

Corner of Quarry Rd. & 1st Ave. N., Columbus, MT...322-5804
Pastor Jay Forseth

Worship Sundays 10:30 A

Faith Evangelical Church

3145 Sweetwater Dr…….656-8747
Sunday Worship 8:30a & 11a, Bible Classes 9:45a
Saturday Worship 5:00p
Nursery available

Harvest Church – Heights campus

1235 W Wicks Lane…….259-5648
Services: Sat 5pm & Sunday 9am, 11am

Harvest Church – Lockwood campus

1413 Rosebud Ln…….259-5648
Services Sunday 9am, 11am

Hope Church

5554 Grand Ave…….591-1708
Pastor Rory Adams
Worship Sun 9:30am

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Foursquare Gospel

Faith Chapel

517 Shiloh Rd……… 656-8780
Saturday 5pm - Sunday 9:30am & 11:15am


Hope Center

425 S. 28th St……… 294-4673
Worship: 9:30am & 11:15am

Celebrate Recovery, Fri 7pm


Word of Life

1737 King Ave W………655-2002
Pastor Alex Chai
Worship Sundays 9 & 11am


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Crossroads Free Will Baptist

30 Maier Road, Billings, MT 59101
Reverend Ronald A. Palmer
Worship Sunday 11:00 am & 6:30 pm; SS 9:30 am
Wednesday 6:30 pm

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Full Gospel

Billings Full Gospel Revival Tabernacle

Corner of 33rd & 3rd Ave. No., Downtown ….245-5856
Rhea Goes Ahead
Worship 11:00 AM & 6:30 PM; SS 9:45 AM
Wednesday 7:30 PM; Saturday Prayer Meeting 8:00 PM

Jubilee Christian Center

3611 Highway 312…..254-6280
Pastor John E. Aseltine
Worship 10:45 AM; Children's Ministries 11:00 AM
Wednesday 7:00 PM

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Independent Bible

Big Sky Bible Church

383 East Alkali Creek Rd……………406-867-3727
Pastor: Jared Berg
Sunday Worship 9:30am, Sunday School follows

Billings Evangelical Bible Church

401 Custer Ave., Billings, Mt. 59101
Pastor: Richard Schwartz
Sunday School 9:45am
Sunday Worship 11am
Sunday Bible Study 6p

Big Sky Bible Church

383 East Alkali Creek Rd……………406-867-3727
Pastor: Jared Berg
Sunday Worship 9:30am, Sunday School follows

Laurel Bible Church

2920 Outfitter Trail
Laurel, MT 59044
Church Office: (406) 628-8528
Sunday School: 9:00am
Worship Service: 10:15am
Pastor Rob Kimsey

Valley Bible Church

3603 O’Shea Circle…………...252-0620
Pastor Wayne Morris (next to Briarwood Golf Course)
SS 9:15 AM; Worship 10:30 AM.

website: www.billingsvalleybible.com

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American Lutheran Church (ELCA)

Corner of Division & Lewis Ave………252-4171
Worship Services Sun.-8:30a & 11a; Education Hour 9:45a
Sunday Summer Worship 8:30a & 10a

Atonement Lutheran Church (ELCA)

1290 Sierra Granda Blvd . . . . . 245-7004
Pastor Darren Paulson
Sunday Worship 8AM, 10:30AM, SS 9:15AM (Summer Worship Time at 9:15AM Memorial Day through Labor Day)

Bethlehem Lutheran Church (ECMS)

40 - 10th Street West (One block north of Central Ave & 10th St)
Pastor Jean Hay (248-6427)
Worship 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM; SS 9:40 AM
email: bethlehembillings@gmail.com
website: bethlehembillings.org

Find us on Facebook: Bethlehem Lutheran

Christ the King Lutheran Church (LCMS)

759 Newman Ln (across from Cabelas)……252-9250
Pastor Ryan D Wendt
Worship 10am, SS & Adult Bible Class 8:45am

First English Lutheran

1243 North 31st Street……………245-4933
Pastor Mark Donald
Worship 10am, Church School 10am (Sept.-May)

Gods Kids meets Wed. evenings Sept-May and Wed Mornings June-Aug

Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

1108 24th St West……………656-1080
Saturday  Worship 5:00pm, Sunday Worship 9:00am, Sunday Education 10:15am


Grace Lutheran Church (LCMC)

304 34th St W………………..652-6298
9am Sunday, 10am Fellowship hour
Holy Communion weekly

Messiah Lutheran Church (ELCA)

2939 Colton Blvd….656-2018
Worship 9:30 AM; SS 10:30AM Fellowship

Mount Olive Lutheran Church

1603 St. Andrews……………252-5141

Sunday Worship 8a & 10:45a, SS & Bible Classes 9:30am
Early Childhood Ministry…656-2635
-Preschool for 3, 4 & 5 years olds, Mon-Fri

Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran (LCMS)

1603 St. Andrews (1 block No of Wicks)….252-5141
Pastor Ken Zoeller
Sunday Worship 9:30 AM; Adult Bible Classes & SS 10:45 AM
Monday 6:00 PM Worship

Peace Lutheran Church (ELCA)

1301 Avenue D………….252-5504
Saturday - 5pm, Sunday- 9am, SS-10:15am Wheelchair Accessible

Trinity Lutheran Church (LCMS)

537 Grand Avenue………. 245-3984
Pastors Daniel Rinderknecht and Daniel Keinath
Worship Saturday at 5pm and Sunday at 8am and 10:30am
Website: www.trinitybillings.org
Email: church@trinitybillings.org

Yellowstone Lutheran Brethren

852 Governors Blvd…..........252-5363
Pastor Bill Poore
Worship 10:30AM


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Everlasting Covenant Congregation

805 Alderson Avenue……..……259-1255
Pastor Steve Heimbichner
Tues. - 7:00 PM; Fri. - 7:00 PM; Sat. - 2:00 PM
"Teaching the Hebrew Roots of the Christian Faith"

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First Church of the Nazarene

805 Alderson Avenue……..……259-1255
Pastor J.D. Shanahan
Fellowship 10:15a, Worship 10:45am
"Teaching the Hebrew Roots of the Christian Faith"

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Victory Chapel

tel: 406-321-2138
Sundays @ 10:30 a.m. - 508 E Pike Ave, Columbus MT
Pastors Todd & Teresa Rowen

All Nations Christian Fellowship Church

2520 5th Ave S……………..839-9077
Rev Melvin Terry, Pastor
SS 9:30a, Worship11a, Tues Bible Study 7p
Women Bible study Wed, Fri, 10:30a, Men Bible Study Sat 9:30a

Bethany Church

8885 Danford Ave…….839-2995
Sunday Worship 10am


Calvary Chapel

2121 S. 48th St West……….254-1944
Pastor Wayne Hathaway
Worship Sunday 10:00a

First Christian Church

522 No 29th Street….259-3368
Worship 10:30 AM; SS 9:15 AM
Pastor Jeromy Emerling
Wed. family meal, message & kid activities 5:45p Sept-May

Korean American Church

713 Ave. D………………254-1245
Worship daily at 6:00am  -  Wednesday @ 4pm  -  Sunday @ 10:50 am
Pastor Inchul Lee

Life Source Church

407 Wicks Lane
Worship Saturdays 5pm

New Life Church

3950 Temple Place…………656-0171
Pastor Lester & Jewel Hall
Worship 8:30a & 10:00 am, Sunday

The Oasis Church

2102 Old Hardin Rd………………….254-7189
Pastor John Kyle
Sunday 10:30am

ZOE Bible Church

3247 Driftwood Lane………………256-6208 or 860-0618
Pastor Scott Kiekover
Sunday Worship 10AM, Wednesday 7PM Adult Bible Study

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Open Bible


Open Bible Christian Center

302 19th Street West ……..656-4946
Pastor Ron Rager
Sunday Worship 11AM; Wednesday 6 PM
Celebrate Recovery, Tuesday 6 PM

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Presbyterian Church of America (PCA)

Rocky Mountain Community Church

2832 Broadwater Ave……..259-7811
Sunday Worship 10am

Weekly sermons online at RmccMondatana.org

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First Presbyterian Church

2420 13t St West…………..252-3434
SS 9:15am (Sept-May),
Sunday Worship 10:30am,
Summer Sunday Worship 9:30am

St. Andrew Presbyterian Church

180 24th St. West……………..656-9256
Rev. Susan Barnes, Pastor
Fall-Spring: SS for all ages-9:30am, Sunday Morning Worship 11am
Summer: Sunday morning worship-9:30am; Taize Prayer Service-call for time

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Salvation Army

The Salvation Army

2100 6th Avenue N. (Across from North Park)
9:45 AM SS; 11:00 AM morning worship

Come Worship with us!

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Seventh Day Adventist

Seventh Day Adventist Church

3200 Broadwater Avenue…………….….……………...….656-3401
"Visitors Welcome"
Sat. Worship 10:45 AM; Sabbath School Sat. 9:30 AM

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Billings Unitarian-Universalist

2032 Central Avenue….652-1893
"Where the Intellect Meets the Spirit"
Children's Program, Worship 10:30 AM

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United Church of Christ

Pilgrim Congregational

409 S. 36th St………….252-8390
Reverend David Dickbernd
10:00 am; SS 10:00 am (Sept.-May)

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United Methodist

Billings First United Methodist Church

2800 4th Avenue North………………245-3001
Rev. Kama Hamilton Morton
Worship 10:30a, SS 9:15am Sept thru May

Grace United Methodist Church

1935 Avenue B…………...259-9711
Pastor Sandy Storment
Sunday Worship 9:30 AM; Adult Bible Classes & SS 10:45 AM
during Worship at 10:15 AM; Nursery Provided

Shiloh United Methodist Church

1810 Shiloh Road….656-0050
(North of Grand Avenue)
Worship Sunday 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM
SS 10:00 AM; Nursery Provided for both services.

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United Pentecostal

United Pentecostal Church

2335 Lewis Avenue….652-2443
Pastor Edward Sermon
Worship 10:00 AM; SS 10:00 AM; Wed. 7:00 PM

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Unity of Billings

Corner of 14th & Lynn, 1 block off Central Ave. . 254-9554
Rev. Jeni St. Claire
Worship 10:00 AM Sunday Thursday Mid-week service 6:30pm

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Apostles Lutheran Church

3140 Broadwater Avenue……………..656-7141
Sunday Worship 10:am, Monday Worship 6:30pm
Preschool Tues.-Thurs. (3, 4 & 5 years)
A member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

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